Rise up!

Rise up! I always have difficulty knowing where to start. Then it dawned on me that with this site, our cause, I didn’t need to defend myself. I came into this world as a black market adoption. I’ve just learned in last few months that the whole time I was raised...

Caring for Abused Children with Mental Disorders

Caring for Abused Children with Mental Disorders For many of us, child abuse is an unpleasant subject that we would rather not discuss because of how uncomfortable it makes us. Sticking our heads in the sand won’t stop it from happening though. According to some...

Keep your head up

Keep your head up I was adopted as a young toddler with my baby sister. We were adopted by a pastor and his wife. She immediately took to my sister while my dad took to me. My mom would baby my sister and make me do a lot of the cleaning for my sister. When I would...