Repressed Memory
Sexually molested at age 4 with a sister 5 in the same room together by my brother. I did not remember it. Repressed memory hid it until I was 45 the question came and the memory returned.
What came next was a nightmare. Seems I told the truth and the family wanted to shut me up and cover it up for my brother and the family name. When I said NO – they lied to everyone and said I was crazy…destroying my life. I have a new identity…I live alone. So not to stay silent and help other victims…I wrote a book and published it under another name.
What advice would you offer to encourage others?
Know that God loves you just as you are. Know that there are others suffering who get through. And most important…cry whenever you need to…because big girls and boys cry. Amen.
- Anonymous, Survivor
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