Keep telling until someone listens
She said she’d be back on Monday I was almost 3. I didn’t see her again until I was 25. I was placed in foster care, eventually adopted. The new mother was a malignant narcissist, the father a mean drunk. I was continually set up to fail. I get beaten by a rubber hose and when I was older, fists. They let the 21 yo molest me at 13. Had me locked up because I was a habitual run away. I ran because no one listened. And I was tired of being beaten up. Unable to define boundaries ,I was pregnant at 15. They forced me to marry even though the person they made me marry wasn’t the father. He beat me.
I begged my adopted family for help. I was told I made my bed. Now I can lie in it. I got away at 16. They let me move home. They beat me up in front of a friend I was 17. Threw me out. Took my child. It goes on and on. I left out many details as I’m on my cell.
What advice would you give to encourage others?
Tell anyone and keep telling people until someone listens.
- Brandy, Survivor
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