Just the other day
Just the other day I was asked by a friend why organizations like EndCan mean so much to me. It’s a question that I have been asked before and my answer always comes quickly to mind and usually leads to a very in depth discussion. As happens so many times when I am asked this question, the person who asked, leaves the discussion seemingly overwhelmed and a little stunned.
Although child abuse is something that I have dealt with for over fifty years and, as a result, has become so natural a part of me, I tend to forget that it is still something so difficult for most to comprehend. Child abuse victims/survivors carry their scars with them as a burn victim might. The scars are always there and they make others more uncomfortable than those who carry them. The scars will always remain but I feel they act as a reminder to the victim/survivor of their own personal inner strength.
For me, it took years to find my strength. It took me years to find my voice. I hid my scars in the shadows of denial. I hid my scars behind a facade. Organizations such as EndCan allow victims of child abuse to step out of those shadows. EndCan gives victims back their voices. Organizations like EndCan boldly step into the spotlight and speak for those who are still living in fear and silence. Child abuse leaves its victims without a sense of worth. It leaves its victims without trust and without hope. Organizations such as EndCan demonstrate to the world that child abuse victims are valuable human beings, they help to build and restore trust and they provide a belief that tomorrow will be better for children than their yesterdays.
Michael Walter, Victim and Survivor of child abuse
A note from EndCAN: We know that sharing can ignite a lot of emotions, momentum, fears, excitement, hope, or many other feelings. We want to remind you that you are NEVER alone. Should you need additional help or support, we provide the following resources to help guide you on your healing journey.
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The National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit entity (IRS tax exempt number 82-3752131), and all contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
info@endcan.org | PO Box 102428, Denver, CO 80250